Quality Labels
Incidence’s Quality Labels

Quality labels enabling reporting on the quality of the customer experience offered and overall customer satisfaction.
In order to respond to the expectations of our clients and the Belgian market, we have developed two new exclusive quality labels: "Happy Clients" and "Happy Services".
In concrete terms, these labels allow guaranteeing that your services reach standards de qualité high-quality standards and that your customers are satisfied.
Why acquire a label?
Incidence’s quality labels fulfil several functions:
They ensure the high quality of your services and customers' experience. They enable you to easily analyse your evolution or the scores of other players in the sector.
The labels and audits carried out allow identifying possible points of attention and areas for improvement.
These tools prove very efficient for your customers and employees alike. They can be easily used in your internal and external communications to endorse the quality of your services.
Showing your customers that you listen to them is already a great source of satisfaction in their eyes.
How do these labels work?
Each label is based on a strict charter and precise methodology:

- The "Happy Clients" label certifies your customers’ satisfaction. To get this label, you will have to carry out a customer satisfaction survey. More information on satisfaction surveys here.
- The "Happy Services" label guarantees that the services offered by your company match your guidelines and specific quality standards. To obtain this label, you will have to carry out a mystery shopping programme. More information about our mystery shopping solutions here.

The audits carried out by Incidence are always tailor-made to your needs while meeting a very strict quality charter.
The Quality Charter
Incidence developed this quality charter after more than 15 years’ experience in satisfaction surveys and mystery shopping.
The quality charter guarantees that the label obtained meets a quality standard. A quality score is also provided with the label. This score is calculated by Incidence according to the results of the quality audits.
Do you want to become a Happy Clients or Happy Services labelled company? Contact us
Since both labels are separate, it is possible to get just only one label.