Incidence's analysis of media campaigns measures the impact and performance of your advertising campaigns. This impact assessment comprises of Pre-test and Post-test phases.
The purpose of a pre-test is to qualitatively assess one or more media campaigns. This pre-test allows you to ensure that your campaigns meet the initial requirements, are correctly understood by your target audience and convey your message efficiently. You also have the opportunity to choose the campaign most adapted to your message. Pre-tests are indeed the ideal tool to select the campaign that is best designed to reach your objectives. Pre-tests can be carried out to assess a media campaign as well as any other advertising events.
The post-test or impact assessment evaluates the performance of your media campaign or advertising event through a quantitative survey. Post-tests can be undertaken directly after or a few weeks after the media campaign or advertising event to measure its impact. Incidence has developed an impact assessment solution in 3 phases:

Basic Indicators
This first phase of our analysis accurately measures Ad Recall.
Performance Indicators
This second phase evaluates the impact of the campaign by measuring engagement (call to action).
Profiling Indicators
The last phase of our analysis highlights the differences in campaign performance depending on targets.
All market research surveys carried out by Incidence are tailor-made for our clients. We will be happy to discuss your market research project with you.
Incidence is the ideal partner for setting up the pre- and post-tests of your advertising campaigns.
Do not hesitate to contact us if you need more information.